Thursday 18 March 2010

I open at the close

The subject line refers to the sentence inscribed on the Snitch in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What it implies if snitch would open at the close of Harry Potter's adventure. When he went to fight Voldemort in the forest and willingly die so that the world could be a safer place, that was the close of his adventure, and so the snitch opened up allowing him to see his parents once again before he went to fight and get the encouragement he needed.

Basically,one adventure ended,only to give rise to another one.

i quote this as we come to an end of an eventful journey that started on 2008-a journey of two years called MBA @SIBM Pune. its about to conclude before this month ends.a journey which we started with dreams in our eyes..and its coming to its logical end.

everyone around me is getting sentimental about the end of the college. and why shouldn't they?after all the time we spent over here was surely the best time of our lives. and for almost all of us,the college life is about to end(finally) and we are about to enter the corporate world. no longer can we afford to live a carefree life where the biggest tension was that of managing the attendance!!! The worries included assignment submissions,wondering which place to visit for a party,thinking whether a girl likes you or not and such trivial things...all that would soon be a thing of the past...

we would spend money to take a break from our hectic lives to come to go to a hill station and relax..And that time we would surely remember and miss these hills we spent our two years cribbing about..And we would realise that these god forsaken hills were indeed best than the best of the hill stations,in the company of our beloved friends....

we embark upon a journey in the corporate world. a journey into the world of competition...and though we wish that these two years should have lasted forever, we all are looking forward to the same...

as time passes,we would just stare back at these two years and say out loud "Those were the best days of my life...."

Will miss all hell.....

Tuesday 6 October 2009


Today, we start with the interviews for selecting the junior members of ART. Looking back over the past couple of months can’t help but think that we are going to miss the existing I team. A bunch of diverse people, gelling together and performing their tasks efficiently.Working hard and partying harder..

Here’s a brief look at each of them: Adwitee, Nakul, Nitin, Preeti and Sanjeev:

  • Adwitee: The chatterbox of the team. Constantly on the move. Loves to be with people, to talk and to eat. Self confessed foodie. The official writer of the team. Came up with superbly worded reports and write-ups for the team.
  • Nakul: Comes across as an intense and brooding guy. But is not! Very mischievous and with a twinkle in his eyes. Can crack jokes which are almost as pathetic as nayyar’s and mine. A die- hard Sachin Tendulkar fan. The creative brain of the team. Designed awesome posters for our events as well as a few videos. Also, the only marathi manoos of the I team and hence responsible for handling the office too…
  • Nitin: The serious guy. A towering personality. The operations guy. Planning and strategizing for the team. Got a lovely South Indian accent. Mr. Dependable of the team…
  • Preeti: The baccha of the team…sweet little girl with a lovely smile…the PR girl. Her mere presence is enough to light up the team room...can cause all tensions to evaporate with her smile and soothing voice…
  • Sanjeev: The happy mascot of the team (pun unintended). Bears the brunt of leg pulling by all of us sportingly. Loves to flirt and to party. Again the creative guy. Came up with amazing posters for Srujan.also responsible for managing content on iAspire

Had a wonderful time with these people during the I-team tenure. Hope to relive those moments again in the J team if they do make it through…..

Of early mornings...

It has been a looooong time since I posted...And what an occasion to start posting again today...On a morning after spending a sleepless night. Could not sleep a wink. Don't know the reason. And for a sleepaholic like me, this is very frustrating experience. Just imagine, lying in the bed with a lovely retreating monsoon atmosphere outside perfectly conducive for sleeping, and unable to sleep at all. Not the first time it has happened though. It had happened once in my second year of engineering, when after lying awake went off early in the morning to have breakfast at Wadeshwar's and in the process giving my poor Dad a rude shock to see me up so early...

So, what did I do? Played random games on Facebook, did an OR assignment, shot off a mail to my I-ART members, went for a jog in the rains, had 2 cups of steaming tea in the mess, had breakfast at 0730 hrs(!),came back, read 3 newspapers, found answers to 8/10 questions and I am not yet sleepy....

As I have realized time and again, early mornings are really nice. Spent half an hour in the mess just gazing into the clouds and enjoying the cool breeze. I should make it a habit to wake up early in the morning every day, I have been deciding this since time immemorial, but have failed to implement it...let’s give it a shot again...

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Back in Gurgaon

I am back in the city which i am gonna remember for the rest of my life. We have got an Assessment Centre planned over the next couple of days at HCCBPL (the place where i did my Summers). All us summer interns are expected to be here tonite. if nuthin else,it is gonna serve as a nice get-together for all of us. :)

Jokes apart,with the current scenario,all of us are really looking forward to it as it offers us a chance to perform well and set out minds at rest by getting a job offer. lets see how it turns out...

Wednesday 10 June 2009


Want to write something. got lotsa things in my mind what with summers over and college just dont feel like writing anything..dont know why..have to shrug off this feeling...

Wednesday 13 May 2009

'Extra' Innings...

Date : 13th May 09
Place:Durban,South Africa
Occasion : On field interview after an IPL match between Delhi Daredevils and Deccan Chargers
Stars: Mandira Bedi & Pradip Sangwan

DD have just beaten DC in a thrilling match. Pradeep Sangwan turned the match around with three wickets.

Now,the match is over and so is the presentation. A SET MAX guy,sitting in the studio in India suddenly jumps in his chair and shouts,"Mandira,let us have something exciting!!!!". And a couple of more jumps.

Now,I was a bit startled by his jumps and also was a bit curious about the 'exciting' stuff which madame Mandira would present...What followed was an interview with Pradeep Sangwan of DD..A few sample questions:

MB:Pradap,sorry,Pradeep Sangwan!!!!! 3 wickets!! wo bhi top order ke!! How do you feel???
PS:(doesnt know where to look...) It feels good!! And we won the match also. So its simply great..

A couple of more questions in English follow and then MB suddenly switches to Hindi!!

MB:Ab Veeru bhi vapas a gaye hai team me. Aapko kaise lag raha hai??

Now,i could digest the first question,but this question caught me completely offguard. I mean,the poor guy is being asked about his feelings about his captain's return on international television. I doubt whther even Ricky Ponting,with all his Aussie arrogance would have answered such a question in the negative..

PS:Bahut accha lag raha. Hum sab bahut khush hai. Aur hum match bhi jeet gaye. To aur bhi khushi hai.

MB:Sangwan!!! Aapki age kya hai?
PS:(?????) 18 saal
(Me:Wondering what next)
MB:Sirf 18 saal!!!! Aur aap international level pe khel rahe hai!!!! Aapko kaisa lag raha hai???
(Me:Stopped listening)

So,I don't know what poor PS said..

I still dared to watch the show. But I really could not take it when the expert panelists-Mr.L.Sivaramakrishnan and Mr.Arun Lal-started their not-so-expert comments on the game...

Mr.Sunil Gavaskar,Mr.Tony Greig (with all his hyperboles),Mr.Geoffrey Boycott (with his mother),MR.Michael Holding (with his West Indian 't's) where art thou???? I pine to hear your dulcet tones... Pls come back!!!

Monday 11 May 2009


Sometimes,you start wondering what is it that you are born to do. There are occasions when you just don't know why are there on planet earth. You just drag through the day. Dont feel like doing anything.

I look around at the people and wonder what are they all doing. Everyone going through their paces. Wake up,brush,bathe,climb into the bus/local/auto,reach office,do the same work,have packed,cold lunch,finish the day,take the same mode of transport back,reach home,have tea,spend some time with 'family',have dinner and go off to sleep,only to restart the same cycle next day. Same routine day after day. I mean,why do we do all this? Just like a machine. Is it money,is it fame,is it peace of mind?? What??

They say that one has to take 7 births before being born in the human race. Why does one take so many efforts and pains? To do all this mentioned above? What is the purpose of our existence??? Pray tell me...

Would like to Quote Agent Smith and his clones from Matrix:Revolutions over here..

'But, as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free. There is no escaping reason; no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.'

I just wanna know the purpose.. Thats all...