Wednesday 13 May 2009

'Extra' Innings...

Date : 13th May 09
Place:Durban,South Africa
Occasion : On field interview after an IPL match between Delhi Daredevils and Deccan Chargers
Stars: Mandira Bedi & Pradip Sangwan

DD have just beaten DC in a thrilling match. Pradeep Sangwan turned the match around with three wickets.

Now,the match is over and so is the presentation. A SET MAX guy,sitting in the studio in India suddenly jumps in his chair and shouts,"Mandira,let us have something exciting!!!!". And a couple of more jumps.

Now,I was a bit startled by his jumps and also was a bit curious about the 'exciting' stuff which madame Mandira would present...What followed was an interview with Pradeep Sangwan of DD..A few sample questions:

MB:Pradap,sorry,Pradeep Sangwan!!!!! 3 wickets!! wo bhi top order ke!! How do you feel???
PS:(doesnt know where to look...) It feels good!! And we won the match also. So its simply great..

A couple of more questions in English follow and then MB suddenly switches to Hindi!!

MB:Ab Veeru bhi vapas a gaye hai team me. Aapko kaise lag raha hai??

Now,i could digest the first question,but this question caught me completely offguard. I mean,the poor guy is being asked about his feelings about his captain's return on international television. I doubt whther even Ricky Ponting,with all his Aussie arrogance would have answered such a question in the negative..

PS:Bahut accha lag raha. Hum sab bahut khush hai. Aur hum match bhi jeet gaye. To aur bhi khushi hai.

MB:Sangwan!!! Aapki age kya hai?
PS:(?????) 18 saal
(Me:Wondering what next)
MB:Sirf 18 saal!!!! Aur aap international level pe khel rahe hai!!!! Aapko kaisa lag raha hai???
(Me:Stopped listening)

So,I don't know what poor PS said..

I still dared to watch the show. But I really could not take it when the expert panelists-Mr.L.Sivaramakrishnan and Mr.Arun Lal-started their not-so-expert comments on the game...

Mr.Sunil Gavaskar,Mr.Tony Greig (with all his hyperboles),Mr.Geoffrey Boycott (with his mother),MR.Michael Holding (with his West Indian 't's) where art thou???? I pine to hear your dulcet tones... Pls come back!!!

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