Thursday 30 April 2009

Much ado about nothin

I am sick of Slumdog Millionaire,Freida Pinto and Dev Patel. Actually,the last person is dragged into this only because of one of the world's most beautiful women and i feel sorry for him.

i have seen Slumdog Millionaire(pirated copy) and have liked the movie. But honestly speaking an Oscar is a bit too much. Add to it A.R.Rehman getting an Oscar for a track which is a mediocre one as compared to many of his hits. i don't want to go into detailed analysis about why this happened and how this happened and is anything wrong. I am happy for India and Indian music and cinema(though SM is 'not' an Indian film)

i was tolerating all this hype and hoopla abt the movie and its cast till now. But now it has become simply unbearable. The way the media is going ga-ga over an average actress who has a total screen time of less than 20 odd minutes and less dialogues than the protagonist's brother is too much. The most beautiful woman??? Puh-lease.. there are many women roaming the streets of Gurgaon who are much more beautiful,smart and charming than her and that too sans makeup!! ( i mentioned Gurgaon,'cos that's where i am currently located and the only source of humanity. No offence meant at all!!!)

AS if the media speculation over Freida's love life was not enough,we have her mom commenting on her daughter's status. Freida should be proud of her.

Honestly,i think we have all had enough of this crap. We are not interested in the love life and travails of life of a so called superstar.And we are tired of reading the same old stories again and again every alternate day in the newspapers.

No doubt Freida appears to be talented but she still has a long way to go. Let us give her some time to prove her mettle and then we can really call her a superstar and read about her personal life with gusto. Lets not have another Kumar Gaurav or Sania Mirza created by us...

1 comment:

Adu Chips said...

Heyy Sujit,
I think this post is very well put and worded!! Good job!

Aditi C.