Sunday 29 March 2009

MBA / 2

As committed,I am posting regularly now. This is my second post in 10 days and going by my blogging track record,its an achievement!!!

We are at the fag end of our exams with only two papers to go. These two are the 'core' subjects of my specialisation and i don't feel like studying at all!! Been sleeping most of the day. And why do I not feel like studyin? I dont know. Maybe its the effect of the exhausting last week,maybe its because the end is near,maybe because I am pure lazy or maybe........

Another 2 and a half days and we all will be 50% MBAs. One year(actually 10 months) is gone. Rather,it just whizzed by. It feels as if it was just yesterday that we made the tortuous journey to a place called Lavale, which even the hardcore Puneites would not have heard of. It was another Sunday when i came here bags,baggage and a borrowed laptop. Settled down and started my MBA next day at 0900 hrs.

One year of fun, friendships which will last forever, parties, assignments, submissions, projects, summers, vivas, admissions process, fights, makeups, heartbreaks.....

And now we move on for the most important part of the MBA course-the Summer Internships or 'Summers' as is popularly known. And it acquires a special significance this year due to the importance of PPOs and PPIs,given the recession.

I would be joining Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt.Ltd on 6th April. Next Sunday,this time I would be in Gurgaon,waiting for the Summers to begin and awaiting the final destination for my Project.

It is a bit tough to survive for two months without the crowd around,crowd which has become an inseparable part of my life. Will be missing them like hell,i am sure.

At the same time,I am looking forward to the Summers,which will mark my reentry in the corporate world after a year,albeit as a trainee. I never thought that i would say this,but there have been periods when I was missing my company badly.. Even I am surprised at that...

Anyways,hope that the next two papers don't maul me as some others have in the past few days. Although,with the amount of effort I have put in,I should be prepared for the worst..

Next post: The year that was...(hopefully i will stick to the topic..)


Unknown said...

Nice going sujit. Keep the postings up. Btw i would love to see your next post.

midnite_blues said...

aaah!!!... finally the inspiration that i was looking for to... nice post... keep it coming...

Anonymous said...

aapla blog waachun atyaanand zala. paN blog ka lihaycha? sagLe lihitat mhaNun lihaych ki aaplyala lihaychi aawad aahe mhaNun lihaycha? karan kahihi aso, blog lihine tase changli saway aahe...kadhi kadhi manat chukun ekhada wichar chamkun jato, kiwaan ekhadi wichitra goashta drushtis padte, ti applyla applya aathwanit sathaun thewaychi aste....aaNi tya aathwani thewaychi jaga mhaNje Blogs!
Aso, mi "sagle-lihitat-mhanNun-mi-lihiNar" ya category madhe baste. Jasa kuthlya hi sopya pakkruticha pachakawada karte, tasach yacha pan pachkawada kela.
Tari...aamhi lihine sodNar nahi...
(faar bore hot hota..mhaNun asambandhit comment lihila.... thyasathi khshamswa)