Monday 22 January 2007

Opening Stock

This is an old post,posted on wordpress a week ago,posting the same over here too.

Well well well,after wondering for so many days that why people write blogs,here i am,making my entry into the blogosphere.

Frankly speaking,the idea of publishing one’s thought on the web so that everyone can read them seemed completely absurd to me.But,after going thru several blogs,i have decided to change my mind.

the best benefit of blogging is that it kills time very fast,especially when you are in the graveyard shift,just like yours truly,right now!

today,here i am,waiting for a shipment of certain material to arrive which was supposed to do so about 5 hours ago.there’s hardly a soul around in the office and this boredom is killing me.And if it does not,then my hunger will surely do.

i think this much is enough for the first post.It is not very polished i know,but it will get better as i post more(i.e.if i find time).

Cheerio then,and good night to me!! :)

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