Tuesday 30 January 2007

Jai Hind

Finally, shilpa shetty has won celebrity big brother. What a success story. She had to struggle so hard man, battle people baying for her blood, endure racism and survive the English food. She has emerged unscathed through all these. People; please congratulate her on her stupendous success. Let there be huge celebrations planned everywhere. After all, she has done the nation INDIA proud. Now India is POISED to SHINE. It is another feather in the cap of India, ’superpower by 2020’designate.

So what if she was paid 350,000 pounds to endure this. An ordinary Indian wont tolerate any such nonsense even for tens of millions bucks. It takes courage to do this. So what if India managed to launch a space recovery capsule experiment successfully. So what if the Nithari killers may be able to escape harsh punishment, so what if millions of people in India are struggling for basic amenities, so what if archaic ministers are trying to scare youngsters abroad for education. All this is not media friendly. This does not make attractive news. And that is why, Shilpa Shetty has made India proud by making sure that each and every medium in India took this issue up and managed to protect India’s pride..

JAI HIND!!! I am proud to be an Indian…

Monday 22 January 2007


Ever since the CAT results were declared,and the calls displayed,i have been thinking about it.Not that i was disappointed not to get a call;wasn't expecting one anyway.With me messing up the easiest CAT,i had no hopes whatsoever.I was in a dilemma whether to post this or not,as it might be a case of sour grapes.Still i decided to.

I have gone through the criteria for shortlisting of IIMA,which was like 95.33 percentile in each section and 98.xx overall.Hmm.If you go through the CAT bulletin,there is a note there:"CAT is just one of the many criteria used by the IIMs for shortlisting.Other factors like past academic records,work ex,etc"

this set me thinking.In the CAT form,it does ask about all this details.But it is only Quantitative and not Qualitative.Like,only your percentages are asked and not the college,only no of months of work ex are asked and not the organisation.

So,does this mean,quantity is more important than quality?Only high percentilers are gonna get calls? If yes,then why go through posting all those footnotes??Just mention that score high and get through.No offence meant or taken.

On the other hand,there's an insti like SPJ,which asks you to fill up a lengthy form asking for everything under the sun that you have done.Personally,i feel that they have a more judicious method for selecting people. I know that,its very difficult to scrutinise 1.91 lakh applications,but not impossible.I am not asking the IIMs to follow the SPJ model,its very tough if applied on the scale on which IIMs operate.But,the genius minds they are,they can surely come up with a better way.After all,how can you judge a candidate by measuring his performance over just two and a half hours?

I would like to reiterate that i am not at all cribbing about not scoring in the CAT.i would have said the same thing,even if i had got a call(Only,i would not have posted it till the results came out ;) )Its completely my mistake that i scored only 90.xx percentile.It was just one bad day.I scored better in a relatively tougher XAT.And its not only about IIMs and the CAT,but about all such exams.For every person who gets through to an IIM,there are hundreds of equally talented people,who are left out.Should we not do something for them?

Opening Stock

This is an old post,posted on wordpress a week ago,posting the same over here too.

Well well well,after wondering for so many days that why people write blogs,here i am,making my entry into the blogosphere.

Frankly speaking,the idea of publishing one’s thought on the web so that everyone can read them seemed completely absurd to me.But,after going thru several blogs,i have decided to change my mind.

the best benefit of blogging is that it kills time very fast,especially when you are in the graveyard shift,just like yours truly,right now!

today,here i am,waiting for a shipment of certain material to arrive which was supposed to do so about 5 hours ago.there’s hardly a soul around in the office and this boredom is killing me.And if it does not,then my hunger will surely do.

i think this much is enough for the first post.It is not very polished i know,but it will get better as i post more(i.e.if i find time).

Cheerio then,and good night to me!! :)