Thursday 18 March 2010

I open at the close

The subject line refers to the sentence inscribed on the Snitch in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What it implies if snitch would open at the close of Harry Potter's adventure. When he went to fight Voldemort in the forest and willingly die so that the world could be a safer place, that was the close of his adventure, and so the snitch opened up allowing him to see his parents once again before he went to fight and get the encouragement he needed.

Basically,one adventure ended,only to give rise to another one.

i quote this as we come to an end of an eventful journey that started on 2008-a journey of two years called MBA @SIBM Pune. its about to conclude before this month ends.a journey which we started with dreams in our eyes..and its coming to its logical end.

everyone around me is getting sentimental about the end of the college. and why shouldn't they?after all the time we spent over here was surely the best time of our lives. and for almost all of us,the college life is about to end(finally) and we are about to enter the corporate world. no longer can we afford to live a carefree life where the biggest tension was that of managing the attendance!!! The worries included assignment submissions,wondering which place to visit for a party,thinking whether a girl likes you or not and such trivial things...all that would soon be a thing of the past...

we would spend money to take a break from our hectic lives to come to go to a hill station and relax..And that time we would surely remember and miss these hills we spent our two years cribbing about..And we would realise that these god forsaken hills were indeed best than the best of the hill stations,in the company of our beloved friends....

we embark upon a journey in the corporate world. a journey into the world of competition...and though we wish that these two years should have lasted forever, we all are looking forward to the same...

as time passes,we would just stare back at these two years and say out loud "Those were the best days of my life...."

Will miss all hell.....